48 hours ago we received confirmation of our next vaccine delivery dates. We are therefore running the following clinics over the next 7 days:
- Tuesday 16/2/21 08:30 – 16:00 Cohorts 1-6 – Pfizer
- Saturday 20/2/21 08:30 – 11.30 Cohorts 1-6 – Astra Zeneca
Cohort 6 has started to be invited over the weekend. Cohort 6 is a very large group so please bear with us if you get invited and there are no appointments left. As soon as we get confirmation of more vaccine being delivered, further clinics will be added.
Due to receiving the Pfizer vaccine during the weekday and the complexities surrounding it (e.g. requiring it to be used within a few days of delivery) we are having to do a clinic on a Tuesday. We hope you understand the reasons for cancelling any non urgent appointments at short notice which might have been booked for this day. The surgery will still have doctors working off site so please contact the surgery if you have any urgent problems which need to be dealt with the same day. If your query can wait, then please contact us on the Wednesday instead. Thank you for your understanding.
Cohort Reminders
- 1-4 – Care home staff and residents, 70+ year-olds, clinically extremely vulnerable (shielding) patients, health & social care workers.
- 5 – 65-70 year-olds.
- 6 – 16-64 year old clinically at risk patients.