Update 16th July 2020
Dear Patients,
Some of you have approached us in recent days about providing letters of exemption as you feel you should be exempt from wearing a face mask for example whilst using Public Transport or visiting shops from 24th July 2020.
GPs are not required to provide any such exemption letters.
Government advice on the use of face coverings can be found here: www.gov.uk/face-coverings . This link includes a list of reasons why someone might be exempt from wearing a face covering.
Following national discussion between Local Medical Committees, it is recognised that the government guidance on exemptions requires no such certification.
It is sufficient for an individual to self-declare their exemption.
Patients needing to travel on public transport in London may wish to print-out a self-exemption card which has been approved by TfL. This can be displayed on clothing or a lanyard and can be found here: www.tfl.gov.uk/face-coverings